Stones Removal in the kidneys at Srinidhi Hospitals, Kondapur, Hyderabad

Stones in the kidney, also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis, are hard deposits consisting of minerals and salts that accumulate inside the kidneys. Kidney stones can cause severe pain and even require surgery to remove.
Diet, obesity, certain medical conditions, and certain dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals are only few of the many factors that might lead to the formation of kidney stones. Stones in the kidney can develop in any region of the urinary tract, including the bladder and the kidneys themselves. Stones often form when the urine becomes concentrated, which enables the minerals to crystallize and clump together. This allows stones to form.
The process of passing kidney stones can be rather unpleasant; however, if the stones are identified and treated in a timely manner, they often do not cause any permanent damage. To pass a kidney stone, it may be sufficient for you to simply take pain medication and consume a large amount of water. However, this will depend on the specifics of your case. In some cases, such as when stones become stuck in the urinary tract, when they are connected with a urinary infection, or when they create difficulties, surgical removal of the stones may be required.
If your doctor determines that you are at an elevated risk of having kidney stones again, he or she may suggest that you undergo preventative treatment in order to lower that risk.

The symptoms
Symptoms of a kidney stone will typically not present themselves until the stone has moved around within the kidney or has passed into one of the ureters. Ureters are tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder.
If a kidney stone moves into one of the ureters and becomes stuck there, it can obstruct the flow of urine, which can make the affected kidney expand and cause the ureter to spasm, which can be quite painful.

At that time, you can begin to experience the following symptoms:
Pain that is severe and piercing, both in the side and the back, and just below the ribs
A discomfort that extends from the lower abdomen to the groin area
A throbbing ache that comes and goes and varies greatly in severity
When urinating, you may feel pain or a burning sensation.

Additional indications and symptoms may include the following:
Urine that is pink, crimson, or brown.
Urine that is murky or has a putrid odor
A constant urge to urinate, urinating more frequently than usual, or passing less urine than usual are all symptoms of overactive bladder.
sickness and throwing up
In the event that an infection is present, fever and chills.
As a kidney stone passes through your urinary tract, the pain it causes may progress in a number of different ways as it does so. For example, the pain may relocate to a new area or get significantly worse.

When should one go to the doctor?
If you have any signs or symptoms that worry you, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible.
If you develop any of the following symptoms, get emergency medical attention:
Pain so terrible that you are unable to remain motionless or find a position in which you are comfortable.
Pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting
Pain accompanied by fever and chills
Blood in your urine
Having trouble urinating and passing urine

Why You Should Not Put Off Treatment for Any Longer?
Avoid Causing Long-Term Harm to the Kidneys
Find Instant Relief and Bring Your Kidney Function Back to Normal
Reduce Your Risk of Developing Urinary Tract Infections
Stones larger than 5 millimeters require surgical extraction.
How much does the treatment itself cost?

The following variables affect how much money you will have to spend on treatment:
Dimensions, Positions, and Quantities of Stones
Technique and Equipment that was Employed
Other pre-existing medical conditions not specifically mentioned here
The most accurate estimate of costs available when you call our professionals for free.
Recently at Srinidhi Hospitals we removed 160 stones from Kidneys.

Srinidhi Multi-Specialty Hospitals was founded with a grounded set of beliefs that continue to empower our commitment towards reliable and accessible healthcare. We believe in treating every patient with the utmost care, respect, and professionalism, just as we would for our loved ones. To achieve this, Srinidhi utilises world-class medical experts and technology, both of which are bolstered by our dedication towards patient care and community empowerment.

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